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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 37 - September 16, 2021

State of Kansas

Department of Transportation

Notice to Consulting Firms


The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is seeking qualified consulting firm(s) for the project listed below. Interested consulting firms must be pre-qualified by KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualification in the following category: Category 162 Long-Range Planning. Consultants may create a team to meet the prequalification requirements. A PDF response must be emailed to, Attention: Marcia Turner, P.E., Assistant Contracts Engineer. Responses are to be limited to four pages; the subject line of the reply email and the file name must read “P-1789-22 Crash Data System Mod RFP – Firm Name.” Proposals must be received by 12:00 p.m. Friday, October 1, 2021, for the consulting firm to be considered.

If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT a response may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified must also provide documentation that demonstrates the firm is qualified for the specified category listed in this notice for the project. Firms may use the KDOT prequalification form to provide this documentation. KDOT 1050 Prequalification category definitions (Blue Book) can be found at All firms doing business with KDOT must be registered and in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas at the time of contracting and must comply with applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.

Project Background

KDOT proposes to investigate how to modernize the state crash data system to enhance the timing and accuracy of crash data submittals to the state system. The 2020 SHSP identified data support as an emphasis area. Advancing the crash data system to a modern system which contains complete datasets will greatly assist with advancing the key strategies outlined in the SHSP. Several states have invested in their crash data systems to improve timing, accuracy and access to crash data, particularly with data-driven processes being critical in agency decision making. This investigative project will provide valuable best practices information from other states that will enable the data support strategies to advance and frame opportunities based upon the experiences of fellow DOTs, state patrols and local law enforcement agencies in crash data input, query, and output.

Scope of Services to be Performed

The scope of work includes several tasks to collect and communicate best practice information with KDOT Bureau of Transportation Safety (BTS), the SHSP Data Support Emphasis Area Team (EAT), and other appropriate agencies.

Task 1: Select Peer States to Interview and Develop Interview Questions

Develop a list of peer state Departments of Transportation or state departments of public safety to interview. Key peer agencies would have modern crash reporting systems in place and have agreements in place across state and local agencies for data sharing and management. Work with KDOT BTS and appropriate SHSP EATs to develop appropriate interview questions and agencies to be interviewed. A minimum of five states shall be interviewed.

Task 2: Interview Peer States and Conduct Best Practice Research

Conduct interviews with peer state DOTs, state patrols, and select local agencies. Conduct follow up best practice research as needed.

Task 3: Identify Opportunities on How to Modernize and Report Findings and Recommendations

Advance and frame opportunities based on experiences of other DOTs, state patrols, and local agencies in crash data input, query, and output. Task 3 would be a workshop to communicate lessons learned and findings with KDOT BTS and other appropriate agencies to develop a strategy to propose to the appropriate SHSP EATs. Develop a written summary of findings, implementation strategy, and recommendations. Present the recommendations to the appropriate EATs and other appropriate agencies.

The written report shall include a description of each of the selected states, the solutions and methods used by states to gain law enforcement agency adoption, specific legislative crash data submission requirements, staffing requirements, appropriate agency involvement/support services, state subject matter expert contact information, procedures and costs for geo-locating crashes and law enforcement capture of crash data. The report shall provide a recommendation for one or combination of best practices to be considered by the appropriate EATs including recommended steps for implementation.

Anticipated Schedule for Subsequent Events

Proposals are due by 12:00 p.m. (CST) October 1, 2021. Based on the qualifications submitted in the proposal and other information available to KDOT, on or about October 8, 2021, KDOT will select a firm or conduct interviews if necessary. Negotiations with the most highly ranked firm to commence on or about October 22, 2021. Agreement in place and in effect November 22, 2021. Proposals are to be delivered via email to KDOT seeks to complete the project nine (9) months after contract execution.

Instructions for Proposal

No costs shall be contained within the written proposal. The proposal must not exceed four (4) pages total to address the pertinent topics. Please use the following naming convention for submittal: “P-1789-22 Crash Data System Mod RFP – Firm Name.” Proposals submitted will consist of the complete proposal and a completed and signed item listed in the Exhibits to this Proposal section, and a completed and signed Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”). Subconsultants will need to complete these attachments as well. All these forms are attached to the original email announcement. Proposals shall describe any processes or procedures that will be used to perform tasks and to produce deliverables described above under “Scope of Services to be Performed” and include additional items such as:

  • Project manager
  • History of projects with similar tasks
  • Availability of staff to meet schedule
  • Familiarity with KDOT policies and procedures
  • Any subconsultant and their role (if any) that will be performing services on the project

Evaluation Factors

Proposals will be evaluated based on the factors listed below, evenly weighted, to rank the most qualified firm in order of preference as first, second, third, etc. Evaluation factors: 1) the quality and completeness of the response; 2) qualifications and experience of consultant personnel proposed for services; 3) proposed project approach; 4) project schedule; and 5) past performance history for similar projects/services. The highest ranked firm will be asked to enter into negotiations with KDOT for an agreement. In the event KDOT cannot reach agreement with the ranked firm, it will terminate negotiations with such firm and commence negotiations with the next highest ranked firm, and so on, until either agreement is reached for a satisfactory scope of services for a fair and reasonable price, or KDOT decides to pursue other alternatives.

Exhibits to this RFP

  • Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”)
  • Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”)

Contract Terms

A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and technical services will be used for this project. Special Attachment No. 8 (for the Kansas “Tax Clearance Certificate”) and Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”) will also eventually become attachments to the contract.

Questions about this request for proposals shall be sent by email to KDOT at

Ben Asnicar, PE
Interim Contracts Engineer

Doc. No. 049447